Wednesday, June 9, 2010

10 Important jquery and ajax file upload plug-in

According to Wikipedia :

File Uploading, is the sending of data from a local system to a remote system,such as a server, or peer, with the intent that the remote system should save a copy of whatever is being transferred.

Today we listed 10 Incredibly Useful Collection of file upload plug-in for jQuery etc. We obviously cannot cover all the best from the web, but we have tried to cover as much as possible.

  1. uploadify - A file upload plugin for jQuery


    Uploadify is a jQuery plug-in that allows the easy integration of a multiple (or single) file uploads on your website. To use Uploadify on your web server It requires Flash and any backend development language. An array of options allow for full customization for advanced users, but basic implementation is so easy that evencoding novices can do it.  Uploadify is free to used in a number of applications and commercial products and  it released under the GPL and MIT licenses.

  2. FancyUpload


    FancyUpload is powerful and elegant Ajax uploader . FancyUpload is a file-input replacement which features an unobtrusive, multiple-file selection menu and queued upload with an animated progress bar. It is easy to setup, is server independent, completely styleable via CSS and XHTML and uses MooTools to work in all modern browsers.

  3. jqUploader


    jqUploader is a jquery plugin that substitutes html file input fields with a flash-basedfile upload widget, allowing to display a progress bar and percentage. so you don't have to do things twice . it is easily Customize directly from the html code of your form . For instance, the maximum file size, if specified via html, will be recognized and used in the rich upload interface generated by jqUploader.

  4. Multiple File Upload - JQuery


    The Multiple File Upload Plug-in is a non-obstrusive plug-in for the jQuery JavaScript library that helps users easily select multiple files for upload quickly and easily whilst also providing some basic validation functionality to help developers idenfity simple errors, without having to submit the form.

  5. Mootool based Multiple file uploader


    The MooTools based Multiple file uploader  is a light weighted  powerful and elegant uploader. (it weighs in at just 2.5K). some simple CSS, an example HTML file and a readme (which is basically identical to the extended comments at the top of the source code).

  6. AjaxFileUpload


    This Ajax File Upload Plug-in is a hacked version of Ajaxupload plug-in created by yvind Saltvik, which is really good enough for normal use. Its idea is to create a iframe and submit the specified form to it for further processing. It simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages.

  7. Create An Ajax Style File Upload


    With this trick I will show you how to create Ajax like version of the file upload. The trick is very simple, I will use an Iframe to upload the file so the whole page does not get refreshed and when the post is in progress it will show a dummy progress.

  8. Multiple File Uploads Using AJAX


    With traditional methods of file uploading, your visitors have to stare at the form they just submitted - or a blank page, while the data uploads. With this AJAX file uploadscript, your visitors do not have to wonder if the page is working or not.
    They will know as the progress bars update themselves as the file uploads. There can potentially be an unlimited number of uploads - the only real limit is the visitor's upload speed. Maximum file size for this demo is around 500KB. The only maximum size is limited only by connection and maximum script running length.
    The upload fields above employ AJAX to give a real time update of the progress of files as they are uploading.Currently, LightLoader Track Multiple File Uploads Using AJAX With Progress Bar support for PHP only.

  9. File upload progress bars with PHP

    File upload progress bars with PHP

    File upload progress bars using file upload hooks in PHP 5.2.x to generate a progress bar while uploading a file through a HTML form.

  10. Styling inputs with css and dom


    File inputs (<input type="file" />) are the bane of beautiful form design. This simple, three-part progressive enhancement provides the markup, CSS, and JavaScript to address the long-standing irritation. The Styling inputs is tested on IE 5.5+ , Firefox 1.5+ , Safari 2+ .

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