Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Opera 10.52 final now available for Mac

If you own a Mac and have been waiting for a final build before trying out "the world's fastest browser," now's your chance. Opera has released version 10.52 for Mac -- for both current Intel systems and older, non-Intel machines.

What does Opera 10.5 have going for it? Well, there's that speedy Carakan JavaScript engine, Opera Unite (a handy tool for less technically-apt users to share files, communicate, and more), Opera Turbo compression (great for dial-up, satellite, and 3G users), and there's also Opera Link... to keep your desktop browsing in sync with Opera Mini on your iPhone. Multi-touch gesture support is also built-in.

Opera's post states that 10.5 is about 10 times faster than the previous Mac version. They don't get scientific about it, but there's not really a need: it's fast. Chrome/Safari fast.

By the way, is anyone else surprised Opera hasn't trademarked that fastest browser bit yet?

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