Wanna play facebook, but the internet connection is slow? Feel terrible waiting for the facebook page loading too long? Now you can get rid of it with the new service provided by facebook, the Facebook Lite.

Facebook lite is a "light version" which now can be accessed from all over the world. The address is:http://lite.facebook.com. With this service, we can perform facebook activities more quickly because this lite version of facebook is designed without the heavy components as found in the original version. This facebook lite looks like Facebook's page accessed from mobile phone. However, what makes this lite facebook lighter is the removal of some of the features found on the original version, especially those based on javascript. Chat feature was previously unavailable at this lite facebook, but now it is available already.
Or if you just want to visit the mobile facebook version, it is accessible at http://m.facebook.com . It is fast, but of course features are also minimized, as you feel when you access facebook through mobile phone.
For more details, please visit the site at the address http://lite.facebook.com andhttp://m.facebook.com. Now slow Internet connection will not be a problem and obstacle for you the loyal facebookers.
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