Over in his personal blog, Aza Raskin ponders the question of identity. And I don't mean the philosophical or gender sense of the word here; what he says is quite interesting: When you Google the words "sign in", you get about 1.8 billion hits.
And every site implements log-in functionality on its own, and somewhat differently. Yes, single sign-in solutions are available (such as XAuth or OAuth), but these revolve around letting websites shareyour details among themselves.
Raskin wants to go for a different model, which makes a lot of sense to me: it's your identity, so you should be able to control it directly; meaning, log on from the browser. What we have today are clunky "auto-fill" mechanisms, and browser password caches which are historically insecure. Raskin wants to take things to a whole new level, as you can see on the cool mock-up. The browser would store identities, and you would be able to select who you want to log on as via a simple, consistentinterface, on the left side of the address bar (where you can see today whether as site uses HTTPS or not).
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